Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Veal trotter and whelk

October 27th 2013

The veal trotter is cooked overnight in a simmering broth. In the morning, it is entirely boned, rolled in tin foil in a sausage shape. It is left to cool down in the fridge. When cold the trotter is sliced. Each slices are fried in a non-adhesive pan.

Here it is served with whelks, a spicy mayonnaise and young spinach leaves.

Hugo Desnoyer Pigeon - two ways (Vacuum cooking experiment)

October 26th 2013

For this pigeon, I have asked my butcher (Hugo Desnoyer) to prepare the bird as follows:
- the breasts in one vacuum-sealed bag
- wings and legs in another vacuum-sealed bag
Of course, I also keep the carcass, heart and liver.

One hour for the breasts:
I have slowly cooked the breast in the sealed plastic bag in warm water (about 80°C) for one hour.

Over two hours for the jus, wings and legs:
The wings and legs were cooked in the same condition for over 2 hours. The carcass has been roasted for 15 minutes in a very hot oven and then dropped in a simmering broth for hours. Turnips were cooked in the then thickening broth for 15 minutes.

Just before serving I have seared the pigeon breast on the skin as well as the liver and the heart  for 1 minute. By that time the broth has turned into a thick jus.

Pigeon and turnips

The low temperature cooking maintain a very tender meat while the breast is still pink.
Of course the wings and legs are confit and the meat gets off the bone easily.

Scallop carpaccio

October 26th 2013

It is the scallop season again. Let's celebrate with a simple carpaccio. Thinly slice the scallops (or ask your fishmonger). Prepare the dressing with lime juice, olive oil, salt, piment d'Espellette, possibly dill. Et voilà.